About Champions of Sherwood
All about beavers!
Getting wild about outdoor learning
Clarborough Primary School, who are part of the Wilder Nottinghamshire Network, talk about their efforts to teach children the importance of nature.
Getting Wild About Gardens
The buzz of a bee, the sweet scent of honeysuckle, these precious moments are not only a delight to experience in our gardens, they’re absolutely vital if we’re going to protect, restore and…
Things you can do about climate change
South Notts Out & About: Spring in Sharphill Wood
Join Gordon the Warden for a guided walk for Early Purple Orchids, Bluebells and other woodland flowers.
Get stuck in! Learn more about and help your local wildlife.
This year’s 30 Days Wild was a record breaker with over 400,000 people carrying out over 10 million Random Acts of Wildness throughout June!
The idea behind the challenge is to encourage…
South Notts Out & About: Wilwell Farm Cutting in Spring
Come with Gordon the Warden to look at the first signs of spring incl. the early flowers of the season.
South Notts Out & About: Sharphill Wood Dawn Chorus
Join the Friends of Sharphill Wood for a Dawn Chorus walk listening to and looking for early morning birds with John Elwell.
South Notts Out & About: Evening Stroll at Gotham Sandbanks
Join Gordon Dyne for a relaxed evening walk to look at the flora of Gotham Sandbanks and the adjacent SSSI.
South Notts Out & About: Wilford Claypits Nature Reserve
A look at the natural history of this Wilford Claypits (flowers, dragonflies and butterflies) with Gordon Dyne.