30 Days Wild - how to get Wild in 2022

Every year we have focused on a variety of environmental issues - 2022 is the year to take action, to have an impact and make a change.
It's that time of the year again, 30 days wild sign-ups are now open and you can sign up to receive a free pack filled with activities for you or your family to keep you busy and wild all month round.
The biggest personal impact this year, would be returning to a ‘’normal life’’ post-pandemic, during the breakout of covid I took to nature as it was my escape but also gave me the opportunity to reflect on my actions and be a better self when taking into account my environmental efforts. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for all of us, although some also took to nature, many of us were affected by the pandemic in different ways making it more difficult to interact and encourage others to do so.
But, this year everything's back in bloom – giving you the perfect chance to grab your note pad and pen or your phone and go wildlife spotting.
We need to demand a better future for the wildlife around us, along with our efforts to engage with one nature act per day, we also need to pay attention the bigger issues surrounding the topic, including the latest news on government ambitions to increase species populations by 10% by 2042 – this isn’t good enough. Until that deadline species will continue to decline and some species will be extinct before the fact.

© Katrina Martin
How can we help?
We're in a nature crisis, and 30 days wild is the perfect opportunity to raise your voices and act now – instead of waiting. You can do physical activities such as:
- Wildlife spotting – the iNaturalist app is an observatory app that you can download on your phone. Each time you’re out and about and spot an insect or wildlife species you can take a photo, upload it to the app and it will help you to identify it.
"I recently started using this app during my daily walks, so far, I’ve spotted a common hover fly parasitoid wasp."
- Nature Counts - Once you have an identification, you can share that with Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust on their Nature Counts recording website. Citizen science at it's best!
- Building habitats – 30 days wild is conveniently around the spring/summer time, giving you the perfect opportunity to grab sticks, leaves and other wild materials and build homes for the critters, the mammals and amphibians.
- Take action - you can sign the Nature Deserves Better petition. Simply add your name to show your support or include your own thoughts to help make a change in the Governments Environment Act which is under consultation right now until 27th June!

© Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION
What have I been up to so far?
This year my goal is to tie the aspect of nature in to my day-to-day life, including my personal and work life.
- I have been working with individuals that want to make an impact and be better for the planet.
- The focus for me this year is still aimed around pollinators, they continue to be a crucial part of the eco-system as they help create shelter and food for other insects. And animals living within the ecosystem.
"I was pleased to hear about the wildlife trusts recent efforts to create bee friendly homes and areas to pollinate by introducing bee bus stops – with a focus on eco-friendly alternatives and living rooftops"
- I recently visited Ploughman Woods in Nottingham, one of the ancient woodlands managed by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust – this is one of the county’s richest habitats. It was refreshing to be surrounded by a peaceful land filled with interesting pin points from the overgrowth of blue bells to the King Alferd's cake mushrooms. A great location to visit if you want a light hike with incredible sights.
- I’ve also taken the time to visit my local nature reserves including Attenborough Nature Reserve, which is my all-time favourite for spotting birds and butterflies – you can take your kids, family or friends and head up to the café with beautiful sights and a cuppa.
2022 is the year of daily action, signing petitions and signing up for 30 days wild – it will be fun, you can get others involved too and join an amazing community!
Get your free 30 Days Wild pack now!
This post was co-authored by Adam Copeland.

© Matthew Roberts