Elliot Neep NeepImages.com Support us Thank you for your support!Together, we are creating a Wilder Nottinghamshire! JOINBecome a memberHelp your local wildlife by joining us today. Help create a wilder future for Nottinghamshire. THINGS TO DOFind an eventDiscover events happening all over Nottinghamshire. From beaver tours to online talks - there is plenty to choose from! FUNDRAISINGFundraise with usFundraising for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is a great way of helping to protect your local environment and having fun. ShopShop for wildlifeAll proceeds from Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust's shop help to protect our county’s precious wildlife. GiftsGifts in memoryA gift made in memory of a loved one can be a fitting way to celebrate and remember their life and help us to restore local wildlife. DonationsMake a donationHelp us protect Nottinghamshire’s wildlife, restore biodiversity and inspire people about the natural world. GiftsInclude a gift in your willWildlife needs Will power. Include a gift in your Will for wildlife & protect our inheritance. PartnershipsBusiness partnershipsWe welcome support from businesses that share our passion and pride for Nottinghamshire's wild spaces. CampaignsCampaign with usThe Wildlife Trusts have a long history of campaigning for positive change for nature. Find out how you can support our efforts.