EMEC (East Midlands Environmental Consultancy) is a subsidiary company of Nottinghamshire Wildlife. EMEC is comprised of three different area- Ecology, Land Management and Aboriculture, Throughout these different areas EMEC seeks to provide the highest quality of service, tailored to the needs of its clients.
EMEC was first established in 1991, and have since grown to be a successful practice and a leader in their field, providing accurate, cost-effective solutions for their clients' varied ecological needs.
All profits are gift-aided to the Trust to support its conservation work. EMEC is also a member of the Association of Wildlife Trust Consultancies (AWTC).

© Elliott Neep
EMEC - Ecology
EMEC Ecology carries out protected species surveys and ecological assessments including; bats, badgers, barn owls, otters, great crested newts and water voles as well as extended phase 1 habitat surveys and habitat creation.
For more information about EMEC Ecology please visit their website.

© Roseanne Richardson
EMEC - Land Management
EMEC Land Management is responsible for carrying out habitat creation, ecological mitigation and habitat management, such as wetland creation, hedgerow planting and laying, wildflower meadow creation, Invasive plants control (e.g. Japanese knotweed), tree felling/tree management and grassland management and restoration
For more information about EMEC Land Management please visit their website.

© Christopher Terry
EMEC - Aboriculture
EMEC Aboriculture provides expert arboricultural advice for clients including - BS5837 Tree Surveys, Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA), Tree Constraints Plans (TCP), Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plans (TPP)
For more information about EMEC Aboriculture please visit their website.