volunteers in Surrey - Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography
‘Common Grounds’: A Day of Action
On Saturday 12 October, thousands of people around the UK will meet with their MP to talk about action for nature and climate.
With a new UK Government now in place, nature’s recovery must be prioritised. The loss and damage to wildlife and wild spaces we are all seeing across the UK must finally stop. We want the new Labour Government’s policies to target species recovery, address water pollution, fund wildlife-friendly farming, enable healthy communities, and tackle climate change.
The Wildlife Trusts are active members of The Climate Coalition, which is leading on Common Grounds.
Pledge to play your part in ‘Common Grounds: A Day of Action’
The Day of Action is your opportunity to find ‘common ground’ with your MP on the climate and nature issues that are important to you.
Why does meeting my MP matter?
Emailing MPs, sending postcards and letters are very important, but nothing beats a face to face chat. Meeting your MP around the same time as thousands of others who are also meeting MPs across the UK sends a very strong message – constituents care, and they will support action!
A huge number of MPs are new to the role; meeting constituents in person will allow them to get to know you, and learn what is important to you – and you will also get to know them!
Many of our campaigners have told us they were frustrated and disappointed when they tried to contact former MPs. Feeling disillusioned by politics and disregarded by their representatives means many people feel like they have no say in local issues or are not properly heard. This isn’t true. MPs are elected to represent you - they do that best when they understand local people’s concerns and priorities.
The Day of Action is a chance to connect with your community, tell your story, and urge your MP to champion climate and nature issues you care about. Together, we can create a fairer, healthier, greener future.