Community Group Survey

Wilder Nottinghamshire Network

Community Group Survey

We want to create a Wilder Nottinghamshire by 2030, where 1 in 4 people are taking positive action for nature and the climate, and where at least one third of land and water in Nottinghamshire is in recovery for nature, with pressures reduced on wildlife everywhere else.  

You can read more about the challenges, our goals and our approach here.   

We’re bringing together groups, organisations and individuals to demonstrate and celebrate the scale of action, encouraging and enabling more people to act locally for nature’s recovery. We know that across Nottinghamshire, many people are already taking action for nature and the climate – together we can achieve a people-powered nature recovery. We will support this recovery through the creation of the Wilder Nottinghamshire network.   

We welcome your views on how such a network could support existing groups and individuals to achieve more for nature and the climate across the county, and enable many more people to take action in their daily lives.   

Tell us about you and your group

Do you feel connected to others taking action for nature and the climate across Nottinghamshire?
Please tick any that apply

What would your group find most useful from the Wilder Nottinghamshire network?

Please rate the following from 1 – 5 where 1 is the most useful and 5 is the least useful:

Getting started – setting up your group and activities
Access to specialist ecological help / support
Connecting with others in the local area to share knowledge and best practice
Downloadable resources to support action for nature and the climate
Funding to support local projects
Map showing local activity for nature and the climate
Training / awareness sessions
Celebrating success, raising awareness and promoting events / activities
Updates on action for nature and the climate across the county

Additional thoughts about the Wilder Nottinghamshire Network

If you joined the network, could you offer help to other groups?
There will be no charge for joining the network but it may be necessary to charge to cover the costs of some activities (e.g. training sessions). Would this be a barrier to your group’s participation? 
Does your group already work with / receive support from an organisation (e.g. local authority, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, Greenwood Community Forest etc)

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