Attenborough Nature Centre and Reserve

Attenborough Centre NottsWT cpt Robert Mackin

Robert Mackin

Attenborough Nature Reserve and Centre

Reserve map


Attenborough Access Update March 2025

With springtime now upon us and the reserve busy with the arrival of migratory birds including sand martins, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has provided an update on a range of access issues affecting the popular site.

Works Bridge sketch

Concept sketch of the new Works bridge

Works Bridge Replacement

Following delays due to winter flooding and the discovery of high voltage cables close to the planned route of the replacement bridge by our delivery partner Beaver Bridges, preparations are underway for a further round of ground investigations prior to submitting the planning application.

Since committing to replace the dangerous bridge back in September 2024, the Trust has secured funding to reopen the bridleway; commissioned award-winning Beaver Bridges; completed initial ground investigations and vegetation clearance and carried out a range of technical surveys to check for underground cables, services and other potential hazards.

The discovery of high voltage cables closer to the bridge route than expected required further investigations using ground penetrating RADAR. A further, and hopefully final, round of ground investigations is now planned to inform the final design drawings needed for the planning application.

To keep the project moving the Trust secured permits from Natural England to enable essential work to continue through the spring.

We must replace the existing bridge, including removing old and installing entirely new foundations. We intend to progress final ground preparations and off-site fabrication of the bridge structure as soon as possible.

Map of ANR with diversion/closure

Map of Attenborough Nature Reserve showing the location of the closed Works Bridge path

Footpath and Bridleway Closures

The route between Delta Path and riverside path where it joins The Bund and route between The Strand and Delta Path next to Works Pond remain closed whilst the Trust completes replacement of the Works bridge.

In addition to these unavoidable closures within the reserve, the Trust is aware that a path closure due to construction work by Severn Trent beyond the western boundary of the reserve has been extended until May 10th. The section of path affected is beyond Erewash Field and provides a connection with the riverside path.

Whilst the majority of the path network across the reserve remain open, we recognise that these unrelated closures continue to cause disruption for visitors and would advise those wishing to complete a circular walk to consider the Tufted Duck Route from either the Nature Centre car park or from Corbett’s Meadow if accessing the reserve on foot from Attenborough Village.

Hide Repairs / New Wildlife Viewing Hide

The raised wildlife viewing hide between Wheatear Field and Clifton Pond is awaiting specialist repairs following a safety inspection of its stairs. Given that the Trust is currently reviewing the findings of a comprehensive accessibility audit of the reserve, we are exploring the potential to make the hide more accessible – and are keen to work with Beeston Wildlife Group who have recently developed and constructed the impressive new viewing hide on the opposite side of Clifton Pond.

Severn Trent Water Works March 2025

STW has been carrying out essential works on land adjacent to Attenborough Nature Reserve since Monday 13th November 2023. Access to the work site is along the Sailing Club access track (accessed through the small overflow car park off Barton Lane) and Erewash Bridge. Access to the main car park and other parts of the nature reserve are not affected, and we will continue to welcome visitors and customers to our shop and cafe as usual. This will result in an increase in construction traffic between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Work is expected to continue until May 2025.

More information can be read here.

The work is being delivered under the Water Act and we are therefore not in a position to prevent access across our landholding, however we have worked closely with the project management team and the principle contractors to try to minimise the impact of the works on visitors, wildlife and our infrastructure both during and after the completion of work.

Significant construction movement will only take place from Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm (there may be some movement outside of these hours but this will be infrequent and with smaller vehicles), the access track will remain open throughout this time although there could be some temporary disruption when the lorries are marshalled along the track. The overflow car park will remain closed to ensure access for lorries and the gate will marshalled at all times within the stated working hours and they will ensure the vehicle gate is secured at all times, if anyone has vehicle access along the track they should ensure they have the appropriate key to ensure they are not locked in site.  

While the lorries will be escorted along the access track we would ask everyone visiting site to remain vigilant for the construction traffic when accessing Attenborough Nature Reserve and using the sailing club access track. 

Avian Flu: advice for visitors

Avian Flu Update for visitors and supporters 31st March 2023

The UK continues to be affected by the largest ever avian flu pandemic, with cases in both farmed and wild birds being recorded across the country.

Whilst we are no longer dealing with a major outbreak, there have been a small number of bird deaths (not sufficient to trigger official testing) recently which we must assume are linked to the epidemic. Our team are working hard to limit the likelihood of further spread and you can help by continuing to not feed the birds. To limit disturbance to wildlife which is already under stress, and to keep pets safe from contact with wild birds, we are also asking that people keep dogs on short leads whilst visiting the reserve.

Avian Flu update for visitors and supporters August 16th 2022

Test results have confirmed that the significant number of recent bird deaths at Attenborough Nature Reserve are the result of an outbreak of Avian Flu.

Managing the outbreak has been extremely stressful for the staff dealing with dead and distressed birds on a daily basis and has also placed additional strain on staff and volunteers dealing with understandably concerned visitors and supporters.

Whilst not over, the impact of the outbreak thankfully seems to be slowing. However, the team remain vigilant and ready to deal with cases. There are a number of common sense steps, such as not feeding the birds and keeping dogs on leads, which visitors can take to help us keep our wildlife and the public safe whilst enjoying this much loved site.

As avian flu has been confirmed on site, visitors are no longer required to report cases of dead birds. However, as we are in the midst of an unprecedented series of outbreaks across the UK, people should continue to use the DEFRA helpline (03459 33 55 77) to report possible cases elsewhere.

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust would like to thank visitors and supporters for their continued support at this stressful time. We would also like to thank our Local MP Darren Henry and his office for their assistance in speeding up the response from DEFRA at a key stage during the incident. More information can be read on our Avian Flu page.

Avian Flu

Avian Flu Update for visitors and supporters August 1st 2022

Since the turn of the year the UK has been dealing with an unprecedented number of Avian Flu cases - with restrictions affecting domestic birds and worrying reports of impacts on wild birds.

In recent months there have been several confirmed cases in domestic and commercial poultry locally and a number of parks and nature reserves across Nottinghamshire and neighbouring counties have sadly experienced outbreaks.

Suspected outbreak at Attenborough Nature Reserve–July 2022

Over the past 10 days we have been dealing with a suspected outbreak of Avian Flu. Our team has dealt with over 150 dead birds so far, though numbers seem to be slowing.

Whilst we are still awaiting confirmation from DEFRA that we are dealing with Avian Flu, we are taking the situation extremely seriously.

Read more information from DEFRA

Our team are collecting carcasses and dealing with distressed birds as quickly as possible – but please be aware that there may be some unavoidable delays due to the size of the reserve, number of birds affected and the availability of trained staff and equipment such as boats.

We have also fenced off the approach to the Nature Centre (which remains open) as a precaution to discourage bird feeding and limit opportunities for contact between birds and people.

This incident has been traumatic for everyone connected with the reserve and we would like to thank visitors and the wider community for their support, patience and understanding and at this difficult time.

There are a number of ways you can help at this difficult time:

Advice, more information and how to report dead birds

Angling at Attenborough Nature Reserve

Following the decision by Nottinghamshire Anglers Association (NAA) not to renew their option on the fishing rights at Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, on 31st May 2022, announced a 12 month suspension of all fishing permits at the site. As no new arrangement has yet been agreed, the suspension is still in place.

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, a registered charity, has a longstanding policy of not allowing angling on land for which it holds the angling rights. These rights transferred to the Trust when the land was purchased in December 2020. However, due to the long working relationship with NAA, the Trust was open to renewing the arrangement subject to a reduction in the number of fishing spots or ‘pegs' - in keeping with the charity’s objectives of managing the reserve, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, to enhance its wildlife value. We respect NAA’s decision not to renew the agreement on new terms and would like to thank to them for their support and cooperation over many years.

We understand that this decision will bring disappointment to anglers who have regularly fished at the reserve, but ask all anglers to respect the suspension and refrain from fishing until further notice. During the coming period the Trust will be undertaking work along the banks of the lakes and ponds to allow bankside habitat to regenerate, to benefit wildlife. The pause will also give time to consider options for the future.

Dogs on nature reserves

We love dogs, but wildlife isn’t as keen!

So please keep dogs on leads at all times across our nature reserves, especially around livestock and ground nesting birds, where we ask that you keep dogs under close control.

We welcome well-behaved owners and their dogs in our visitor centre but please be considerate to those who are less confident around dogs.

Read more

Attenborough Nature Reserve was established in 1966 and was opened by Sir David Attenborough. This much loved, nationally important site is best known for its birds with over 250 species recorded, but also provides a home for hundreds of species of plant and insects. It is cited as one of the best places in the UK to see kingfisher and is also home to rare wildlife including bitterns and otters. The reserve attracts around 500,000 visitors each year and holds a special place in the hearts of many – with families having visited for three generations.

See our vision for Attenborough Nature Reserve

David Attenborough opening Attenborough Nature Centre in 2005

Sir David Attenborough on bridge overlooking Attenborough Nature Centre in 2005 - Photo © Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

"Everybody needs to have a lifeline to the natural world, and as our towns and villages become larger, they’re becoming increasingly hard to find…the survival and flourishing of places like this demands continuous work and attention."

Sir David Attenborough (talking about Attenborough Nature Reserve)

Wildlife to see at Attenborough

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