Graphics provided by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
A people powered nature recovery
Campaigning for our government and councils to keep nature at the forefront of new urban developments is important - but you can make a HUGE difference in keeping our existing towns and city green and helping wildlife to flourish. People all over Nottinghamshire and beyond are already taking action, so why not join them?
Plot your action on our map and tell us how you are acting for wildlife by choosing your pin from the key below. Tell us your action and the area you live by filling in our form and your pin will instantly be dropped onto our map, helping us to show a Greener, Wilder Nottinghamshire for everyone!
Individuals and community groups across the county are playing their part through simple actions such as planting trees, creating ponds or caring for local greenspaces. You can play your part too.

WildNet - Tom Marshall
Helping hedgehogs
Organisations such as Hedgehog Street and more locally Hedgepigs hedgehog rescue in Beeston have been creating hedgehog highways by cutting holes in fences and walls to help these much loved creatures move more freely between gardens.
Playing your part
Communities the length and breadth of the county are no longer prepared to sit back and watch remaining wild areas and greenspaces disappear. Individuals and community groups across the county are playing their part through simple actions such as planting trees, creating ponds or caring for local greenspaces. You can play your part too. You can help make Nottinghamshire Wilder by...

Nick Upton
Swift assistance
Installing nest boxes can boost urban populations of species such as house martins and swifts. Community led projects such as Swift Street in Sherwood, Nottingham, can make a real difference.
Practical actions
Our Urban Vision
If you've yet to check out our booklet on our plan for making our towns and cities greener, we recommend you give it a read!