Photo credit: Sophie Bell

One of the Longhorn heifers at Attenborough earlier this summer - Photo © Agnes Kiemel

cr Heather Keetley

Robert Mackin

Glebe Field at Attenborough - Photo by Richard Dunn
Attenborough Nature Reserve
Know before you go
Dogs are allowed on the cafe balcony.
When to visit
Opening times
Car park open 8am-8pmNature Centre and Café
During Summer (from when the clocks go forward)
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm, Café closes at 4.30pm. Weekend: 9am to 6pm, Café closes at 5.30pm.
During Winter (from when the clocks go back)
Every day: 9am to 4pm, Café closes at 4pm.
From 1st March:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Café closes at 3:30 PM)
Weekend: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Café closes at 4:30 PM)
The centre function rooms are open from 9am to 5pm for all private bookings (with later options as per booking agreements).
Centre is closed Christmas Day
Outside Ice Cream Pod: Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 10:30am to 3:30pm serving ice creams and hot drinks.
Hides: 9.00am - 4.00pm daily
Best time to visit
All year round. Seasonal highlights include Butterflies (inc. brown argus) in Spring, Sand martins in Summer and Starling murmurations in Winter. Although the reserve is open on Christmas Day the centre is closed.About the reserve
Attenborough Nature Reserve was established in 1966 and opened by Sir David Attenborough. The reserve is best known for its birds. The area is an important site for winter wildfowl and often holds a high proportion of the county's shoveler and diving ducks, with larger numbers of mallard, teal, and occasionally wigeon. Scarcer wildfowl such as sawbills and sea ducks are recorded regularly and cormorants are common. All the British grebes have been recorded. In the spring and autumn, many migrants birds pass through and the Delta area attracts a wide range of waders in small numbers including the iconic bittern.
Species found include Sand Martins, Bitterns, Kingfishers, Cormorants, Great Crested Grebes, Reed & Sedge Warblers, Shelducks, Terns, Shovelers, Widgeon, Sawbills, Sea Ducks, Otters, Bats, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Voles, Shrews and Harvest Mice.
Broxtowe Lotto is a weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Broxtowe, including our fantastic Attenborough Nature Reserve. To find out more about the lotto please visit here
Contact us
Attenborough Nature Reserve Promotional Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBX_LhjwU24)
© Nottingham University Enrichment Fund
Attenborough Nature Reserve Aerial Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIS0HF9Rf4s)
© Stuart Eggerton and Suzanne Hemsley
The aerial video was filmed with permission of NWT at a time so as not to disturb the wildlife.