Beacon Hill Conservation Park

Haymaking at Beacon Hill NottsWT
Beacon Hill NottsWT cpt Tony Summers

 © Tony Summers

Fox Notts WT cpt Jon Hawkins

 © Jon Hawkins

Buzzard Notts WT cpt James Clay

© James Clay

Beacon Hill Conservation Park

An extensive network of habitats of significant wildlife value including scrub, woodland, hedgerows and grassland.


Jessop Close
NG24 2DS

View on What3Words

A static map of Beacon Hill Conservation Park

Know before you go

19 hectares

Entry fee

Free access


The reserve is currently developing its access points and there is no dedicated parking area so please park Beacon Hill Road and access the reserve via the public footpath. 


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When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July. Seasonal highlights include Wild Flowers in spring and Butterflies/Moths in summer

About the reserve

This reserve is an extensive network of habitats of significant wildlife value including scrub, woodland, hedgerows and grassland. The large central area of the reserve was previously a landfill site, and has now been restored as a wildflower meadow. At the southern edge is a wood gully. Two notable moths, the fern and Haworth's pug have been recorded here.

Species found are Fox, Grey Squirrel, buzzard, kestrel, tree creeper, Rabbit, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Ash, Field Maple, Hawthorn, Pedunculate Oak, Sycamore, Cow Parsley, Field Horsetail, Hedge Woundwort, Hoary Ragwort, Primrose, Red Clover, White Clover, Wild Clematis, Wild Parsnip, Yarrow and moth species such as Fern, Haworth’s Pug, Marbled Coronet, Cream Wave and Scorched Wing.

Contact us

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 0115 958 8242
Contact email: