Don’t have to be Robin Hood to be a Champion of Sherwood!

The teams from Park Plaza Nottingham and Oaks Restaurant came with props representing their working roles whilst on a visit to Foxcovert Nature Reserve. The opportunity was part of their ongoing support for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trusts work in Sherwood Forest and beyond at Idle Valley Nature Reserve near Retford where they supported planting cricket bat willows last year; an investment as a cash crop in later years for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust as they mature – even after recent vandalism of the trees which has caused interruption as a single crop.
The team came out to visit Foxcovert Plantation Nature Reserve so that they could get first-hand experience of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s conservation work in action. The reserve, an 11 hectare site near Calverton, comprises deciduous woodland believed to be part of the ancient Sherwood Forest. High numbers of fungal species and survey work on moths and other invertebrates suggest that the plantation was established on the site of ancient woodland. Some records are of species only found locally in Sherwood Forest woodlands, underlining the site’s heritage as part of this world-famous forest.
Robert Watts, General Manager of Park Plaza Nottingham stated,
We welcome these opportunities to engage team members with our support for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. It’s not just about the hard work that is achieved in the hotel and restaurants with our guests; it’s how we as an organisation involve ourselves in the local community too, encouraging responsible experiences. Our relationship with Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust helps us to achieve this whilst having some funPark Plaza Nottingham
Holly McCain, Senior Development Officer at Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust said,
It’s a real privilege to show our corporate supporters’ staff our nature reserves and to highlight how important their input is to protecting wildlife for the futureNottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
It’s fantastic to make these connections with people who work so hard – it helps to build an understanding as to why their organisation has supported the Trust.”
Becoming a Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust corporate supporter can help to fulfil the demands of companies’ corporate social responsibility policy, engage staff and reach new audiences; providing a way to differentiate the business. It provides an opportunity to join a network of like-minded individuals and local companies which support Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust in protecting wildlife for the future, whilst making a tangible difference to business and to the local environment where customers and employees live. Benefits include demonstrating the business’ commitment to the local community and environment, attracting new customers and clients, as well as helping to raise companies’ profiles.
For more information about Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trusts’ Corporate Support Programme go to http://live-twt-d8-nottinghamshire.pantheonsite.io/support-us/corporate… or ask for Holly McCain on 0115 958 8242.