Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust champions nature & climate by teaming up with Gedling Climate Change Group to host election hustings

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust champions nature & climate by teaming up with Gedling Climate Change Group to host election hustings

A local nature charity has teamed up with a local climate group for the first time to give voters in Gedling the chance to hear from candidates vying to win seats at the upcoming general election.

Gedling Climate Change Group and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust have teamed up for the very first time to take the impact of climate chaos and nature depletion directly to the parliamentary candidates in the Gedling Constituency - the first of its kind. The meeting is open to everyone that wants to ask questions and hear the views of the parliamentary candidates, all of whom have been invited.

The hustings event, run by Gedling Climate Change Group and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust will give candidates from all the main political parties a platform to talk about their plans to address the nature and climate crises, as well as hear from local people.

The event will take place at St James Church Centre, Marshall Hill Drive, Mapperley, NG3 6FY at 7pm on Monday, June 17.

Candidates invited to attend:

  • Dominic Berry - Green Party
  • Tad Jones - Liberal Democratic Party
  • Michael Payne - Labour Party
  • Tom Randall - Conservative Party
  • Simon Rood - Reform UK

The event will open with all candidates offering an initial pitch followed by Q&A session when the audience will be able to put their questions directly to the panel. It will end with candidates summing up their campaigns and environmental promises.

Erin McDaid, Head of Communications for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust said:

“This General Election must be a turning point for the nature and climate crises and we need ambitious and passionate leaders to make that happen. Tackling climate chaos and nature depletion can no longer be shunted to the bottom of the political agenda. We have seen the increasing climate-driven devastation of flooding of homes and fields locally over the past years and the loss of nature and crops, both of which are financially expensive. The next five years will be crucial if a safe and secure future is to be achieved for both residents and wildlife.”

The event comes on the back of the very successful Climate and Nature Convention in November, and the Borough Council hustings in April 2023, which were really well attended, showing the increasing concerns of local people.

The next five years will be crucial if a safe and secure future is to be achieved for both residents and wildlife.
Erin McDaid, Head of Communications and Marketing
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust

The next UK Government will be responsible for the vital target of protecting 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030 – and this can only be done if key priorities are met. These include bringing back the UK’s lost wildlife, addressing river pollution and water scarcity, funding wildlife-friendly farming, enabling healthy communities, and tackling the climate emergency. Local voices are extremely powerful — The Wildlife Trusts want everyone to tell candidates how much nature matters, to them and their vote.

The upcoming general election will be a defining moment for nature’s recovery, as the next UK Government’s actions will determine whether the 2030 targets set for halting nature’s decline and protecting 30% of land and sea are met.

The landmark 2023 State of Nature Report showed the UK – already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries – is continuing to see nature decline. One in six UK species is at risk of extinction.

Surveys conducted by The Wildlife Trusts demonstrate a broad range of support for nature across the electorate, irrespective of voting choice. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust believes voters in Gedling have the right to hear candidates’ plans to address the nature and climate crisis.

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust would like to see politicians of all parties commit to: 

 1. Bring back the UK’s lost wildlife

2. End river pollution and water scarcity

3. Fund wildlife-friendly farming

4. Enable healthy communities

5. Tackle the climate emergency by protecting and restoring natural habitats

For more information of our five priorities, see: Our priorities for the next UK Government

Get involved

The event is FREE but to help with planning, attendees are asked to email or to book via the Gedling Climate Change Group’s Facebook page.

View Hustings event page

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is also taking part in the Restore Nature Now march in London, to call upon political parties to prioritise nature. For more information and how to take part, check out our event page.

View Restore Nature Now event page