Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust supportive of Extinction Rebellion's peaceful protest

Next month, Extinction Rebellion (XR) hopes that 100,000 people will gather outside Parliament in London to highlight the urgent threats facing nature and our climate. We face heartbreak daily as we see the wildlife we love lost time and time again. As a movement, The Wildlife Trusts stand united with all those who share our belief that nature is valuable in its own right as well as being essential to our existence. With our natural world in a critical condition, we hope that many from Nottinghamshire will be there to add their voice to this peaceful call for change.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has been working to safeguard our local environment for almost 60 years, yet we continue to lose our most precious remnants of wild natural space and vast numbers of our insects and birds. Our existing laws are too weak and the climate and ecological crisis we face is not being taken seriously enough. These are not isolated issues and their solutions mustn’t be either: we need to restore our peatlands, meadows and forests so that they once again capture carbon. The Wildlife Trusts tackle this climate and ecological emergency every day wherever we can, but for a healthy natural world we all need to take urgent action for nature’s recovery.
The Wildlife Trusts fully support people across the UK who feel compelled to demonstrate their concern. Last month our Chief Executive Paul Wilkinson joined with protesters in Newark calling on the Government to scrap legislation that will result in the loss of vital protections for wildlife and shared a platform with XR members to highlight the need for change.
We understand that XR Nottingham is hoping that at least 500 local people will be taking part. They are also organising buses and encouraging car shares.