Restore Nature Now! Wildlife Trust to join march in London

Restore Nature Now! Wildlife Trust to join march in London

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust will be heading to London to march in the Restore Nature Now Rally this June.

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust will be joining the Restore Nature Now Rally in June along with over 150 other organisations.

On Saturday 22 June, members of the public are being encouraged to ‘unite for nature’ by joining the ‘Restore Nature Now’ demonstration in central London.

Backed by a wide-range of nature, wildlife and climate groups – including The Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, The Climate Coalition, WWF-UK, National Trust, WWT, Woodland Trust, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Extinction Rebellion and Rewilding Britain - plus high-profile campaigners such as Chris Packham. Organisers hope the demonstration will be the largest-ever gathering of nature and climate supporters here in the UK.  

Staff and supporters from Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust will be joining the legal, peaceful, inclusive and family-friendly event which is both a celebration of British nature and a protest calling for urgent political action on the nature and climate emergencies. UK politicians must show strong domestic and global nature and climate leadership by: 

  1. Giving a pay-rise for nature 
  2. Making polluters pay 
  3. Delivering more space for nature 
  4. Putting a right to a healthy environment in law 
  5. Ensuring fair and effective climate action 

With the UK on record as one of the worst nations for nature loss, environment campaigners are encouraging everyone who cares for nature to come together and march through London before gathering to send a clear message in Parliament Square. The simple demand will be Restore Nature Now before it is too late.  

The public are being encouraged to travel by public transport or to car-share and there will also be special buses running form a range of locations to the march – including buses coordinated by XR Nottingham which can be booked here.

Get involved

For further information about the event and to pledge to march visit the Restore Nature Now website.

Pledge to march