Best known for its caves and being home to the most northerly cave art in Europe, the site is also a haven for wildlife and Jack has been a key member of the team monitoring bird populations and running sessions to enable young people to see wildlife at close quarters.

Jack, a qualified bird ringer Jack, has been presented with a special Wildlife on Your Doorstep Award thanks to the support of EDF Energy Cottam and West Burton.
Jack sets up special ‘mist nets’ to catch the birds in flight and then records the birds’ details including weight and wingspan before applying special rings to the birds’ legs to assist with future research and recording. During some sessions Jack explains how the ringing works and gives them the opportunity to see a range of bird species at incredibly close quarters – something most children have never experienced.
Speaking about Jack’s work Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Head of Communications Erin McDaid said: “The work of people like Jack is truly inspiring. Working throughout the year and in all weathers they diligently monitor and record bird populations, helping to inform conservation programmes. However, by giving children and young people access to this work, Jack has also provided inspiring wildlife experiences that I’m sure will stay with people throughout their lives.”
it was clear that Jack is hugely enthusiastic and keen to share his knowledge and passion for wildlife with others.Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust' Head of Communications
Erin continued:
“When I met Jack to present his award on behalf of the Wildlife Trust and EDF Energy it was clear that Jack is hugely enthusiastic and keen to share his knowledge and passion for wildlife with others. He’s a great communicator and we’re delighted to recognise his work.”
Jack recently took up a new role with the RSPB in Sherwood Forest but will continue to record bird populations at Creswell as he has done for 6 years.
Speaking about the award Jack said: “It's a great pleasure, and very humbling, to be presented with the award. As a bird ringer, I'm privileged to be able to contribute to the scientific understanding that forms the foundation for protecting so many species. To be able to share that with others, particularly children, and bring them closer to birds than they may have ever been before is something I find hugely rewarding. Not only does it help to educate people about how important bird ringing is - it can also help to spark an appreciation or passion for nature that could last a lifetime!”
The Wildlife on Your Doorstep Awards, an annual programme of awards supported by CEMEX UK & EDF ENERGY, are presented by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust to recognise and reward the efforts of individuals, schools and groups for their contribution to wildlife conservation in the county.

© Janie Berry
Speaking about the Awards Steve Walker of EDF Energy said: “We care about our community and value the work of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust in our area. Joining forces for these awards is important to us and we were very interested to hear about the work Jack has done locally to help better understand the bird population and bring young people closer to wildlife. His passion for nature is reflected in his work and it very fitting that he wins a Wildlife on Your Doorstep award.”
Creswell Crags sits right on the Nottinghamshire Derbyshire border just outside Worksop and has wildlife habitats ranging from a lake to areas of woodland and meadow making it a haven for wildlife. The ranger team’s efforts to conserve wildlife have previously been recognised by the Awards and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is delighted that Jack has been nominated for his contribution.
Wildlife recorded at the site ranges from water voles to bats to kingfishers. Other measures to help wildlife include closing one of the caves for three months each year to protect the bat population, selling special food for visitors to feed ducks and swans on the lake and conducting bird ringing surveys to monitor the health of the bird population. There is also a nest box project with over 40 boxes installed across the site, many of which were made by children during workshops last February.