Renew your membership

Wildflower meadow

Photo © James Adler

Renew your membership

Renew today

Thank you for supporting Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust!

Thanks to your membership we can continue to care for nature reserves, champion wildlife and inspire people about the wildlife on their doorstep and beyond!

Your membership helps to achieve incredible things.

  • Create habitat for rare & threatened species like water voles and turtle doves. 

  • Stand up for nature in the county and beyond. 

  • Care for over 40 nature reserves across Nottinghamshire, home to habitats like stunning wildflower meadows and towering ancient woodlands. 

Thank you for renewing your membership. Together we’re creating a wilder Nottinghamshire.

How to renew your membership 

If you don't currently pay for your membership by Direct Debit, you can renew it online, or contact us online, by phone or post. 

Why not help make your money go even further and set up a Direct Debit? This will reduce our administration costs, so more money can go towards protecting wildlife. To set this up, either return the Direct Debit form on your renewal letter, complete the renewal form on our website, or call the membership team on 0115 958 8242 and we can arrange everything for you over the phone. 

Renew your membership online

Renew your membership online via Direct Debit, PayPal or using a credit or debit card by choosing a membership type below.  

Harvest Mouse

Renew an Individual Membership

Individual membership for one person
Badger Notts WT credit Elliot Neep

Renew a Joint Membership

Joint membership for two people
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos An adult female keeps her ducklings close on a tranquil lake at dawn. Derbyshire, UK

Renew a Family Membership

Family membership with Wildlife Watch magazine for children

Renew by post

Please fill in the renewal letter we sent you and pop it back in the post to us. This letter also provides an option for renewing by Direct Debit.

Renew by phone

Call the membership team on 0115 958 8242 during office hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 


Thank you for helping to protect wildlife for the future.

Questions about membership renewal?

We respect your data

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