Keeping it Wild Volunteer Team Member

Keeping it Wild Volunteer Team Member

The Old Ragged School, Brook St, Nottingham, NG1 1EA
Do you like to be outdoors and want to learn and develop new skills? How about discovering amazing places and wildlife on your door step? Aged 13-25 years old? Then read on!

Position details


Any Day



Young people are vitally important to the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s mission to protect wildlife and to enhance habitats and the environment. We are passionate about offering exciting and valuable opportunities for young people, enabling them to make a positive difference through practical activities, get involved in our campaigns and learn new skills by meeting and working alongside our team and staff.   

We believe young people are our champions now and importantly in the future.  Our ‘Keeping it Wild’ youth volunteering offers a fantastic energy to our campaigns and wildlife work, inspiring Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust with new ideas and taking part in our work with passion and energy.

Our next induction will be on 25th of September 6.30pm till 8.30pm at The Old Ragged School - our head office in Nottingham.

All volunteers are asked to agree to our Code of Conduct.

To apply, complete an online application form.

If you are under 18 years old we will require parental/guardian consent. If you are under 16 you must also get your parent/guardian to sign a WhatsApp consent form.


What does this role involve?

As a member of the ‘Keeping it Wild’ team, this volunteering role for 13 – 25yrs is about taking action for nature.

The ‘Keeping it Wild’ youth team meets on a regular basis to carry out a wide variety of activities which can involve species monitoring, community events, practical conservation, campaigning and fundraising.

Whilst we often meet at our Wildlife Trust offices for meet-ups in Nottingham city, we also do plenty of activity outdoors especially as we have our very own Nature Reserve to manage, “Woodthorpe Meadow” We ask all young people to be prepared to get stuck in and to dress for the weather. Depending on the activity, we recommend wearing something not too precious (which can get messy), with sturdy footwear or wellies when required. If you don’t have these don’t worry, we can help!

We provide branded clothing for new team members and all the tools and personal protective equipment such as gloves. 

Do I need experience?

No specialist skills are required we just request our team members to be motivated, passionate and enthusiastic about the environment and wildlife.

New members need to feel able to work as part of a team to help improve the environment and to encourage others to do so and be willing to try new things and learn new skills whilst having great fun too!

Diversity and inclusion are extremely important to us, we are committed to creating an environment where young people from all backgrounds* are welcomed, listened to, and valued. We encourage applications from young people currently underrepresented in the environmental movement. e.g., races, sexualities, gender expressions, people both neurodivergent and neurotypical and people with different physical abilities 

Why should I volunteer?

You will:

  • Meet new people and make new friends.
  • Have fun and be part of a team that makes a real difference.
  • Be able to take part in many unique special opportunities and see some amazing wildlife, like witnessing tawny owl chicks being ringed or seeing badgers being vaccinated, with local experts.
  • Meet other young people from Wildlife Trusts around the UK and go on trips/experiences.
  • Help protect your local environment in a hands-on way, encouraging more people to care about wildlife in the future.
  • Feel more connected to nature, the community and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.
  • Represent the trust and help plan events, projects and campaigns.
  • Gain valuable experience in many areas that will help you with your future career/learning paths, your personal development and gain valuable life skills.  


How much time do I need to commit?

Being a member, we ask that you come as often as you can, minimum of twice a month (we programme weekly activities in the evenings and on weekends). As a young person joining Keeping it Wild you will be the one responsible for communicating with leaders and staff when it comes to sessions.

We encourage and support you to consider new opportunities as you reach the upper age limit of the group, these may include becoming a volunteer activity leader or looking at other volunteering opportunities at the trust!  

Do I need a reference or parental consent?

No references are required, but if you are under the age of 18yrs we request consent from a parent or guardian.

We communicate through social media platforms and what’s app all those under 16 require parental consent to participate in these forms of communication.