Spalford Warren

Pete Gill
Common Lizard Notts WT cpt Jon Hawkins

 © Jon Hawkins

Adam Cormack
John Black

Spalford Warren

A reserve of sand-blown heath, one of the rarest habitats in the county


The reserve (Grid Ref. SK829678) lies to the east of the A1133 Newark-Gainsborough road, almost midway between the minor roads to Girton and Spalford.
Between Newark and Gainsborough
NG23 7HZ

View on What3Words

A static map of Spalford Warren

Know before you go

37 hectares

Entry fee

Free access

Grazing animals

Yes - cattle and sheep. The sheep are grazing during late Spring/Summer 2020. The path is closed during grazing but the rest of the reserve is open. Please adhere to the signs and keep dogs on leads.


Access to the reserve is open at all times, visitors are advised to keep to the marked tracks. Contact the Trust for more information.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

The main habitat on this reserve is sand-brown heath, one of the rarest habitats in the county. In addition, there is also some conifer plantation. Specialised sand-land plants include field mouse-ear and shepherd's cress. The fauna includes sand wasps and common lizards, and the bird community is diverse.

Contact us

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 0115 958 8242
Contact email: