​Warden - South Sherwood Nature Recovery Area

​Warden - South Sherwood Nature Recovery Area


Idle Valley,

North Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 8RQ
We're looking for friendly and passionate volunteers to share their passion for nature with visitors and engage with our reserves in the South Sherwood Nature Recovery Area.

Position details


Any Day



The South Sherwood Nature Recovery Area has the potential to be one of the county’s outstanding wildlife areas. Comprising Strawberry Hill Heath and Rainworth Heath Nature Reserves, along with the rehabilitated site of the former Rufford Colliery, the area is a mix of oak woodland, heath & grassland, scrubland, and plantation. 

We need Reserve Wardens to help make our reserves a great, fun and inviting place for people to visit and to support our wildlife to flourish. An important role within the wider reserve team, Reserve Wardens play a pivotal role in connecting visitors to the work of the Trust and advising and reporting on issues which could affect everyone’s enjoyment of the reserve or pose a risk to people and wildlife. 

​​All volunteers are asked to agree to our Volunteer Code of Conduct.

To apply, complete an online application form.


What does this role involve?

Wardens are advocates for the Trust and our aims to protect wildlife and improve habitats across Nottinghamshire. Acting as the eyes and ears of a reserve, Reserve Wardens play a vital role in helping people understand the work of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and support visitors in gaining positive and memorable experiences. Sites in the South Sherwood Nature Recovery Area are already home to a diverse range of wildlife; however, the area is also subject to unacceptable levels of antisocial behaviour. 

Reserve Wardens work closely with the Trust’s reserve management team to help with a range of regular and one-off activities. These could include;  

  • Helping with the monitoring of the reserve’s wildlife 

  • Reporting condition of paths and structures 

  • Letting us or the police know about incidences of anti-social behaviour 

  • Basic emergency repairs 

  • Guiding visitors around the site 

  • Ensuring the general safety of the site for people and wildlife.  

Reserve Wardens will be asked to keep a log of their time and activities. They should expect to report back to their supervisor (or any NWT staff member) and feedback anything they have discovered whilst out on the reserve.   

Do I need experience?

Reserve Wardens need excellent interpersonal and communication skills as they will be regularly speaking to the public as a representative of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. 

Reserve Wardens need to develop a good understanding of the area, and an understanding of countryside management and nature conservation is also useful. On the job training will be provided.  

Owing to the remoteness of the area and potential to witness antisocial behaviour, a degree of tact is required for what could prove to be a challenging role. 

As Reserve Wardens are often visiting the site on their own it is essential that they take responsibility for their own health and safety and follow the Trust’s lone working guidelines. 

Why should I volunteer?


  • Help protect and make a difference to your local nature reserve and its wildlife. 

  • Help make a positive difference for visitors, so they gain a better understand your reserve. 

  • Gain valuable experience and wildlife knowledge. 

  • Meet new people and feel part of a team of volunteers and staff. 

  • Learn new skills. 

  • Work as part of a team caring for Nottinghamshire’s wildlife 

How much time do I need to commit?

You will be asked to commit to at least one regular day per month. There is no upper limit to your involvement – you are welcome to perform your role every day if you have the time and capacity. This can be discussed and agreed with your named Volunteer Leader. 

We ask all Reserve Wardens to let their Volunteer Leader know on days they will attend the area. 

Please note Reserve Wardens are appointed by our Reserve Managers and acceptance is subject to receipt of a satisfactory reference. Please do not assume you can start your role until this has been confirmed in writing. Thereafter, the role is reviewed on an annual basis. 

Do I need a reference?

Yes, you will be asked to provide a reference as part of the application process.