In December 2024, some Wilder Nottinghamshire Network community organisations attended a Citizen Science workshop at Arkwright Meadows Community Centre in Nottingham. Our experts shared a wide range ways for those new to citizen science to learn all about how they can identify and record the different species on their sites. In this blog we share what they learned, so you too can take part. Even as an individual, you can make a difference!

What is citizen science and why do it?
Citizen science is an innovative approach that involves engaging the public in scientific research, allowing you to contribute valuable data and insights to various organisations that are working hard to create a wilder, more bio-diverse future.
These projects empower volunteers to assist scientists and conservationists in gathering extensive information about different species, their populations, habitats, and behaviours.
By participating in citizen science, individuals can help track changes over time, identify potential threats, and support efforts to protect biodiversity.
Many projects provide necessary training or identification guides, enabling even those with a basic understanding of wildlife to make meaningful contributions.
This collaborative effort not only helps conservationists collect more comprehensive data but also raises public awareness and fosters a deeper connection with the natural world.
How can I take part?
In so many ways! We’ve highlighted a few different options for you to try:
RSBP’s Big Garden Bird Watch
This is a very popular annual event where hundreds of thousands of people spend an hour watching a patch of land, suitable for them, to identify and record the different species of birds that they see. It can be done as an individual, family or part of a group. It can be done in your garden, in a park or just about anywhere that birds can access! It is held at a similar time every year, usually around January and February, so that the RSPB can compare the results with previous years. It's done in the winter because that’s when garden birds need us most. In the colder months it’s likely that more birds will be looking for shelter and food, which makes it easier to count the birds. In 2024, 9.7 million birds were recorded so it just shows how much of a difference it makes when we all come together!
They provide all the tools you need to learn how to identify and record the birds in your area, so why not try it next time?
Butterfly Conservation Big Butterfly Count
For this annual UK wide survey (usually around July – August) you need to spend just 15 minutes in a sunny spot watching and identifying butterflies, using a downloadable chart provided by the Butterfly Conservation. You then log your findings on their app.
Butterflies are a vital part of our precious ecosystem, being part of the food chain for many animals and important pollinators. This survey is more important than ever as their numbers are in rapid decline, which is an indicator that other wildlife is suffering too.
Bloomin’ Algae
Bloomin’ Algae is a Citizen Science app for reporting the presence of harmful algal blooms of blue-green algae. The app helps speed up public health warnings and can help teach you how to recognise the risks to you, children and animals.
By sending in your records of blue-green algae, you can help provide a rapid and more comprehensive picture of harmful algal blooms in your area. This will help inform the relevant environment agency, local authority or landowner of potential public health risks in your area so that, if needed, they can provide early warning to the public. As well as recording the location and date of the bloom, you need to submit a photo of the bloom to help us verify your record. Optionally, you can add what activities take place at the lake e.g. swimming or dog walking, to gauge the potential health risks to people or animals.
They aim to provide rapid feedback on your record, within one or two days, to inform you of the health risks and to help you learn how to identify blue-green algae with more confidence.
Nature Overheard
Insects are important for a healthy environment, but noise can make it hard for them to communicate with each other. They may have to change their sounds to be heard in noisy places.
Join us on the Nature Overheard survey, collecting data to better understand how road noise affect insects. Or take part in other activities to support this research while you build your own scientific skills and knowledge.
Bugs Matter
Use the digital splatometer to count the squashed bugs on your number plate before and after a journey! The methodology is based on the ‘windscreen phenomenon’, a term given to the observation that people tend to find fewer insects squashed on the windscreens of their cars compared to several decades ago.
Bug Life want to repeat this survey every year to build up a better understanding of insect populations. The survey uses an innovative insect sampling method conducted by members of the public to assess the difference in insect abundance over a number of years. Insects are also a good indicator for measuring the success of our conservation work at landscape-scale.
The Great UK WaterBlitz
This is a biannual campaign calling on everyone to go out and test the quality of their local freshwater including rivers, streams and lakes.
This helps to build a national picture of water quality across the UK. The Great UK WaterBlitz is part of our ongoing FreshWater Watch citizen science monitoring programme.
Our rivers and freshwater habitats are at crisis point and we need urgent action.
Register your interest using the above link, to join the next WaterBlitz taking place 25-28 April 2025.
The Big River Watch
The Rivers Trust is asking nature lovers to join The Big River Watch, a citizen science survey that will help to inform people and communities about the health of rivers in the Midlands and beyond.
Between 25th April to 1st May 2025, they’re asking people to contribute to rivers’ recovery by recording observations of local rivers on a brand new, free-to-use app.
The results will contribute to a comprehensive data set on river health covering the whole of the UK and Ireland.
Nature’s Calendar
Help the Woodland Trust to keep track of the weather to see its effect on the climate. From leaf buds bursting to blackberries ripening, let them know what’s happening near you! You'll be contributing to a long biological record that dates back as far as 1736!
Hedgehog Street
Ensuring hedgehogs can pass freely through your garden is one of the most important things you can do to help them, so why not work with your neighbours to create a hedgehog highway then record it on this map?
Hedgehogs travel around one mile every night through our parks and gardens in their quest to find enough food and a mate. If you have an enclosed garden you might be getting in the way of their plans. One of the main reasons hedgehogs are struggling in Britain is because our fences and walls are becoming more and more secure, reducing the amount of land available to them.
We can make their life a little easier by removing the barriers within our control – for example, by making holes in or under our garden fences and walls for them to pass through.
Mammal Web
Prefer or need to stay indoors? Mammal Web has the opportunity for you to act as a “spotter” from your laptop, where you’ll help identify animals in the images taken by camera traps. Or, you could even to volunteer as a "Trapper", by setting up their own camera trap and uploading the pictures from it!
More knowledge about the distribution and abundance of wild mammals, and the factors affecting them, is useful for lots of reasons. These range from gaining a better understanding of the ecology of these species and their responses to current environmental changes, to planning the development of infrastructure and managing wildlife disease. Taking photos of wild animals helps us to understand what is going on.
The goal of iRecord is to make it easier for wildlife sightings to be collated, checked by experts and made available to support research and decision-making at local and national levels. Join iRecord to share your sightings with the recording community, explore dynamic maps and graphs of your data and make a real contribution to science and conservation.
Seek by iNaturalist
Take your nature knowledge up a notch with Seek! Use the power of image recognition technology to identify the plants and animals all around you. Earn badges for seeing different types of birds, amphibians, plants, and fungi and participate in monthly observation challenges.
Direct and Indirect Methods
Want to get even more hands on? There are both direct and indirect methods in which to do so.
Direct methods of sampling involve trapping the species directly - such as using moth traps, sweep nets or even Longworth small mammal traps.
Indirect methods of sampling involve ways you can capture footprint presence, create camera traps, scats and poo, feathers, leaves. Keeping note of these in your space can really be beneficial and make you aware of how bio-diverse your site is and how you can continue to improve it.
If you want to learn more about any of these, please contact us and we’ll help! (Be sure to select Wilder Nottinghamshire Network as the subject!)
How do I access workshops like this?
By being part of a community group who is a member of Wilder Nottinghamshire Network! You can also get in touch with us on our contact page.
Wilder Nottinghamshire Network
Wilder Nottinghamshire is running a free Funding and Volunteering Workshop at Idle Valley in March, a great opportunity for new or established groups to learn more about funding and how to recruit volunteers. Please book a place on our Eventbrite page!