Working together
Such is the scale and importance of the need to restore Sherwood Forest's legendary landscape that no one organization can achieve success in isolation. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has a long-standing reputation of partnership working, whether with local authorities, local landowners, other conservation bodies, community groups or business to secure a better deal for wildlife.
By working together, sharing our resources and expertise we can achieve much in Sherwood Forest. But we still need the help of partners and donors to bring this to fruition.
Touch Design is proud to support the Champions of Sherwood project for many reasons but put simply it brings together two things we are really passionate about, the importance of protecting the environment around us and the value of a powerful brand. Sherwood Forest is an integral part of the brand of Nottinghamshire and the work of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is vital to protect and enhance the forest habitat for the future of Nottinghamshire’s wildlife and community.Touch Design
Restoration heathland at Thoresby Colliery (
Restoration of heathland at the former Thoresby Colliery site
With the Harworth Group we are returning areas of Sherwood Forest to the habitat found prior to industrialisation of the area.
This drone footage shows how we worked with Newark and Sherwood District Council to restore heathland. We cut heather brash at Vicar Water Country Park, and then spread it on the former Thoresby Colliery spoil tip.

Restoring vital habitats
Thanks to our partnership with Harworth Group, we can start to link remaining fragments of heathland, helping to safeguard them for the future. We are recreating heathland on the former Rufford Colliery site which is next to our own Rainworth Heath Nature Reserve.

David Tipling/2020Vision
Research & monitoring
In partnership with local volunteers from the Birklands Ringing Group, The University of Nottingham and the British Trust for Ornithology, we are supporting innovative research monitoring of threatened Sherwood birds such as the nightjar, cuckoo and woodlark. Populations of these priority bird species are substantially smaller than at the turn of the last century.
We are using this information from the projects to help conserve and increase their populations, making them more resilient to challenges such as climate change.

©David Tipling/2020VISION
Local communities
Across the Sherwood landscape we support volunteer 'Friends' groups – providing advice and support to help them care for important local wildlife areas.
We also work with local schools and youth organisations through our education and outreach programme. Over 1500 local young people have taken part in activities designed to help them learn more about local wildlife and the local history.