Local groups

Local groups

Getting involved in a local group

We believe in local action. Central to achieving our goals are the efforts of our local groups who work to protect wildlife in their areas. Their activities range from organising walks, talks and practical work on nature reserves to advising on local planning issues and fundraising.

Our local groups act as the chief focus for voluntary participation across the county. They are run by volunteers and new members are always welcome.  Find out how you might be able to help Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust on your doorstep. Click on each section to explore the local group in your area or contact our volunteers officer.


Beeston Wildlife Group

Beeston Wildlife Group is a group of volunteer enthusiasts affiliated to Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

We organise a host of events throughout the year including illustrated talks and guided walks. Our indoor talks usually take place on the third Monday of each month between September and April. They are held at Trent Vale Infant School and start at 7:30 pm and finish at 9:30 pm. Everybody is welcome and an entry fee is paid at the door.
We also hold a guided walk around Attenborough Nature Reserve every month. These are free of charge and no booking is required – just meet at the car park at 10.00 am.

Website: www.beestonwildlifegroup.org

Email: info@beestonwildlifegroup.org

Facebook: Beeston Wildlife Group

Instagram: @beestonwildlifegroup

Newark Local Group

Based in Newark on Trent, our Newark Local Group organises an inspiring Winter Wildlife Talks Programme each month from October to March. Talks cover a wide range of local, national and international wildlife topics, and are available to all. Talks take place at Newark’s Library.

Sign up to our mailing list to keep up to date about forthcoming events, local reserves, as well as a wide range of information about Wildlife in the area. It is free, so sign up to our mailing list today!

The group is always looking for more people to become involved in organising events and on our committee so, if you are interested in becoming involved in helping local wildlife, please email Sue.

Email: NewarkFarndonLG@nottswt.co.uk

Phone: Sue Leach - 01636 681 154

City Local Group

Based in the heart of Nottingham, our City Local Group are an active group providing an opportunity for local members to become involved with wildlife and conservation activities in the city. The City group organise a host of events, guided walks and talks and throughout the year at a range of local wildlife sites and reserves, when local wildlife enthusiasts share their knowledge of the wealth of wildlife on your doorstep.

Get in contact with the local group to find out more about forthcoming events and more about wildlife in your city! The group is always looking for more people to become involved in organising events and on our committee so, if you are interested in becoming involved in helping local wildlife, please email Giselle.

Email: nwtcitygroup@gmail.com 

Facebook: Wildlife in the City - Nottingham

North Notts Local Group

Based in Retford, our North Notts Local Group organises a Winter Wildlife Talks Programme each month from October to March. Talks cover a broad range of local, national and international wildlife topics, and are available to all. Talks take place at the Idle Valley Visitor Centre.

In addition to our winter talks programme, throughout the summer we also run guided walks and signpost our local members to wildlife sites and reserves, and other community events taking place in the local area.

Sign up to our mailing list to receive emails packed full of local information about forthcoming events, wellness walks as well as a wide range of wildlife related information. It is free, so sign up to our mailing list today!

The group is always looking for more people to become involved in organising events and on our committee so, if you are interested in becoming involved please contact Jan.

Email: janwilliamson133@gmail.com

Phone: Jan Williamson - 01777 709 974

South Notts Local Group

Based in Rushcliffe, our South Notts Local Group organises an inspiring Winter Wildlife Talks Programme each month from October to March. Talks cover a wide range of local, national and international wildlife topics, and are available to all, online, via Zoom.

We also organise an Out and About with Wildlife Programme through the summer months at a range of local wildlife sites and reserves, when local wildlife enthusiasts share their knowledge of the wealth of wildlife on your doorstep. Whether you are an expert naturalist or just want to get the family outdoors, they're free, and a great way to explore the hidden gems near you. Children must be accompanied.

We attend shows such as Lark in the Park, a children-focussed event held at Bridgford Park in August each year. Our stand is bulging with information, we try to answer any questions people have about wildlife, and our wildlife table, with its collection of nest, insects and animal bones is a must-see for children, and adults.

We produce a well-regarded monthly newsletter, packed full of information about forthcoming events and volunteer work parties at local reserves, as well as a wide range of articles on wildlife. It is free, so sign up to receive it by emailing us!

The group is always looking for more people to become involved in organising events and on our committee so, if you are interested in becoming involved in helping local wildlife, please email us.

Email: southnottswildlife@gmail.com

Facebook: Southnottswildlife

Phone: Valerie Holt - 07742 926 122