Volunteer Stories
Hopefully the work we do will ensure future generations can gain as much pleasure, as we do, from the diversity of nature and the amazing places the reserve offers.Friday Conservation Group Volunteer

© Cath Lovatt
"My retirement plan was always to volunteer at Attenborough. We live so close to the reserve and use it often for walking, running, cycling or just enjoying the wonderful diversity of wildlife. After a lifetime happily teaching and raising four children and now grandchildren, being a conservation volunteer is an utterly pleasurable activity. It ticks many boxes for me, being outside in any weather, doing essential, varied, sometimes challenging jobs that will help safeguard the environment."
I can achieve my dream of working within the wildlife sectorCommunications Volunteer

© Keren Young
"I started out organising the photo library and soon took on other jobs, such as making YouTube videos, photography and running the Monday Mystery Facebook contest. I've recently taken on some temporary paid work as a website assistant with the Trust, which is absolutely fantastic. I love every second of working for NWT because it's a fulfilling role."
I like to follow the changing seasons and stay tuned to the wild creatures that make this place their home."Attenborough Nature Reserve Warden

Tony, volunteer warden © Tim Sexton
"As a warden my role is to walk around the reserve one morning a week. I report wildlife sightings, especially during bird migration times. I also look out for damage, such as fallen trees, and sadly, occasional cases of vandalism. Keeping in touch with the Trust's ranger team, and usually working in pairs, we act as their eyes and ears on the ground."
The women's group has also helped me to learn about handling tools and conservation techniques in a non-judgemental environment.Women's Conservation Volunteer Group

Volunteer Chloe © Cath Lovatt
"I love volunteering with the women's conservation group, which is once a month on a Saturday. I appreciate the opportunity to get fresh air and exercise while supporting the Trust's work in a beautiful landscape teeming with wildlife. The women's group has also helped me to learn about handling tools and conservation techniques in a non-judgemental environment. Whether we are in the meadow or the marshland, there are tasks to suit diverse abilities and ages and it's really satisfying to be able to see the immediate impact of our efforts after a few hours' pruning or clearing. An interesting group of women come along and it's enjoyable to chat while we work (and over the important tea and biscuit breaks!). It's fantastic fun."
I think that helping to inspire our younger visitors is essential – they are the future guardians of our wildlife.Reception Volunteer at Attenborough Nature Reserve

Annette, reception volunteer © Tim Sexton
"I work in Sainsbury's as a cashier, so I can put my skills to good use in the shop at the Nature Centre. I'm also there to welcome visitors, direct them to interesting parts of the reserve and generally answer their questions. I don't need to be an expert - the centre manager is on hand to help if I don't know the answer. No two days are the same. I love talking to visitors and their children about the work that we do to support everyday nature. I'm often their first contact with the Wildlife Trust, so it’s an important role."