Wildlife on Your Doorstep Awards

Fox Covert Plantation Workparty

Photo by Jim Voce

Wildlife on Your Doorstep Awards


Think global, act local has long been a standard mantra of the conservation movement but with the scale of the global threat to wildlife and the impacts of climate change becoming ever clearer the value of small local actions can sometimes be called into question. However, for most of us, the single best way to make a tangible difference to our environment and to help wildlife directly is to do something close to home.

The desire to recognise, reward and inspire local actions is the drive behind our Wildlife on Your Doorstep Awards which is now open for 2020 nominations. Launched in 2011 these awards are our way of saying thank you to the individuals, community groups and companies that are making a difference in our county and by championing their efforts we also hope to throw down a challenge to others to do their bit too.

Nominations and applications are now sought for Individuals, Schools, Groups and Businesses across the county that are making an effort to promote or protect wildlife in their local community. In addition to presenting category awards in each Local Authority Area two special Chairman's Awards - one for an Individual and one for a Group, School or Business that the Wildlife Trust feels demonstrate a tangible contribution to supporting nature's recovery. 

EDF logo

We are delighted to announce that the awards will once again be supported by our long-term partners EDF which have supported our drive to celebrate local environmental effort and projects which help make our county just a little bit wilder for many years.  

Nomination Form

The deadline for nominations has been extended from 31st July to 16th August 2020.


We look forward to reviewing all your entries and good conservation work to be able to reveal the winners!


Watch this space!