Attenborough for All

Attenborough Nature Centre DSC_0281 EDITED.jpg

Heather Keetley

Attenborough for All

Video Transcript

Attenborough for All (A4A) is an 18-month pilot project supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.  We have been developing our vision for this much-loved site and want to ensure it reflects a wide range of views.

We will listen to our visitors, run focus groups and carry out audits to define and understand our audience, why people visit, what they need, and how accessible the reserve is. We want to understand how visitors feel about different areas of the reserve and assess how important wildlife encounters are as part of their experience. We hope to inspire our visitors to take action for wildlife whilst supporting nature recovery and climate change resilience within the reserve.

Through community consultation, we will establish who from the adjacent communities isn’t visiting or benefiting from the reserve and test different engagement methods. We want to identify and remove physical, cultural or perceptual barriers to access and enjoyment of the reserve.  We will create a meaningful, accessible, inspiring and inclusive experience.

Our project insights will provide the foundations for a future bid to aid the delivery of our vision for Attenborough Nature Reserve, ensuring it remains a protected, much-needed space for wildlife and people.


About the Project

Attenborough for All (A4A) was an 18-month pilot project supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to gain up to date information and insights about how people use, enjoy and feel about one of our most cherished nature reserves.  

We set out to understand how visitors currently access the nature reserve, and what improvements could be made to remove barriers that might make it more difficult for everyone to access nature. We wanted to understand how visitors value Attenborough Nature Reserve, and how they see the future of the nature reserve. Finally, we wanted to trial some different approaches to learn how this wonderful wetland space can help people feel more connected to nature and feel inspired to take action for nature as a result of their experiences at Attenborough.  

The two areas of research were: 

  • an access audit (completed by Leonard Cheshire Disability)  

  • visitor and community insights (completed by Enlightful) 

Through both pieces of work, we sought to involve many people as possible including staff, volunteers, visitors and community representatives. We’re delighted that over 1000 voices contributed to the project overall, from taking part in focus groups and making suggestions which helped to shape the research itself, to completing an in-depth visitor survey and joining events. We are hugely grateful to everyone who contributed their views which will shape the next steps for our vision for Attenborough Nature Reserve – thank you all for your time.  

Both pieces of research have provided recommendations which we are now working through, to ensure that our plans reflect the needs and wishes of everyone connected with Attenborough Nature Reserve. We know that we can’t do everything straight away, and that some proposals will need time and investment to take forward. You can read summaries of each piece of research via the links below. 


Next Steps

Whilst the research phase has now ended, we’re already taking forward some of the suggestions made through this listening project, including our new ‘Lead by Example’ campaign to highlight good practice when visiting the nature reserve with your dog.  

We will be using recommendations from both pieces of research to support further development of our vision for Attenborough Nature Reserve. The insights gained through the project will be invaluable in helping us to secure the resources we desperately need to ensure that the nature reserve continues to be a protected, much-needed space for wildlife and people.  



A big thank you to all our supporters for this project!

Made possible with The National Lottery Heritage Fund

We give our heartfelt thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund. This project would not be possible without them.

Thanks also to the specialists who have supported this project: