Nextdoor Nature

Nextdoor Nature: Faizan and Anoush Yousefzai with dandelion seed

Nextdoor Nature: Faizan and Anoush Yousefzai - Photo by The Wildlife Trusts

Nextdoor Nature

Share your idea with us

Nextdoor Nature

Nextdoor Nature is bringing communities together to help nature flourish where they live and work. Thanks to £5 million funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Nextdoor Nature will provide people with the advice and support they need to help nature on their doorstep, and leave a lasting natural legacy to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

National Lottery Heritage Fund, The Queen's Platinum Jubilee and The Wildlife Trusts logos sit side by side

Every one of us can make a difference to bring back nature and tackle climate change by taking small actions that add up to big changes. Nextdoor Nature Nottingham will do this by supporting local people to develop micro-projects designed to help nature thrive, bringing nature back where it is needed the most.

We know that many areas across Nottingham have very little access to nature and green space, so we’d love to hear from you if you live or work in one of the following wards and would like to make more space for nature in your community:

  • Basford
  • Berridge
  • Hyson Green & Arboretum
  • Radford
  • St Ann’s
  • Clifton East
  • Dales

We are also looking for young people who want to get involved with creating space for nature. If you are a young person, or a group of young people looking for a social action project (or you already have an idea) then have a chat with us!

Whilst Nextdoor Nature Nottingham is focusing on bringing nature back into the city, we’re also keen to hear from across the county. If you have an idea for how your community could make space for nature, or are part of a community group who want to get involved but don’t know where to start, you can get in touch with us in any one of the following ways!

  • Fill out our community interest form online
  • Download our offline form, fill in, print out and post it to Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, The Old Ragged School, Brook Street, Nottingham NG1 1EA – please mark envelope “Wilder Nottinghamshire”. You can also email the completed form to
  • Send us a short video! You can use WeTransfer - select "I just want to send files" at the bottom of the page, and follow the instructions to send us a video file to or use WhatsApp - just download the app to your phone and message Jasmine on 07756 917280
  • Have a phone call with Jasmine on 07756 917280

Share your idea with us 

Nextdoor Nature Celebration

In July 2023 we held a celebration for all the groups involved in Nextdoor Nature in Nottingham. It was a great opportunity to showcase the brilliant work people in Nottingham are doing to make space for nature. Here's who we are working with so far:

Hubb Nottingham

As part of the Make Sneinton Shine Project, Hubb Nottingham are creating an eco-group and have big plans to transform their community centre. They want to beautify the outside of their centre grounds to include: a contemporary interpretation of a traditional Islamic Garden and a commissioning of sculpture/art piece. They want to make the grounds of the centre thriving with wildlife, and people.

A community garden space will have areas for food growing and a dye garden. Planting for pollinators, and a wildflower strip will support the bees and butterflies passing the centre! Local people can get involved with growing food, and herbs, as well as learning activities to encourage love and care for our environment. Hubb Nottingham also aspires to involve an artist facilitator to hold eco arts sessions. We can’t wait to see what they create!

St Leo’s Church

St Leo’s Church in Basford are working on their beautiful church grounds. They have a small but dedicated group of gardeners who are growing lots of fruit and veg. They have introduced a no mow area this year which is already thriving with pollinators!

In the autumn the group are going to create a dead hedge, which will be a brilliant feeding ground for hedgehogs and other small mammals, and habitat for insects. The church also has bat and nest boxes on trees in the church grounds. The gardeners have noticed hedgehogs and birds nesting in the grounds. It will be great to see what ideas the group have next!

Basford Road Baptist Church

Basford Road Baptist Church have created a brilliant community garden from a derelict strip of land near their church. The team at the church painted the fence, cleared the weeds and rubbish, dug over the ground, and covered it with bark. Trees and shrubs have been planted in the garden, and two local schools got involved in planting 200 daffodil bulbs!

The engagement from local people has been fantastic, with all of the shrubs and trees being donated from different people, either putting in a bit of money, or digging something out of their own garden! The local Councillor and Community Development Officer have made available some money for buying shrubs as well. The difference the group has made is inspiring!

Butterfly Project

Jane, a Meadows resident, has been working with Heather from Green Meadows to make the Meadows into a haven for butterflies! Jane is passionate about creating habitat for butterflies, and getting others in the Meadows involved.

An event was held to educate people about how they can make their own gardens better for butterflies, and see butterfly-friendly spaces for inspiration, as well as hearing about Jane’s vision!

Butterfly friendly spaces around the Meadows have been identified, and volunteers can get involved with improving the areas for butterflies and other pollinators. We are so excited to see what Jane and Heather achieve!

Planting Project

A group of volunteers in Hyson Green is starting a planting project. They aim to get the local community involved in planting for food growing, plants associated with memorial, and a dye garden.

They will be transforming the garden at Hyson Green Youth Club, to make it better for people and wildlife. They have also identified a space in Radford which would make a brilliant community garden. They have already held an open day, and going forward are finding other ways to get local people involved! The range of knowledge and skill the volunteers have is amazing, and it is exciting to see what they achieve.

Volunteers leading the Planting Project at an open day they held for the project in February 2023.

Volunteers leading the Planting Project at an open day they held for the project in February 2023.

St Aidan’s Church

St Aidan’s Church in Basford have started making big changes to their church grounds! Their Garden Team has built four raised bed and filled them with flowers, and are creating a vegetable garden. They are planning to grow more cut flowers to use in their church.

These brilliant changes are creating habitat and food sources for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife, as well as getting the community involved and providing a peaceful green space for people to sit and enjoy. The local Guides, Rangers, Brownies, and Rainbows also get stuck in!

St Aidan’s have even created an interactive water game made out of guttering, which children love to play with! This was inspired by something they saw at St Ann’s Allotments while on a veg growing workshop. The difference St Aidan’s is making to wildlife and the local community is inspirational!

Secret Garden Project

The Secret Garden Project in Basford involves the local community connecting with nature and each other by growing a sustainable, community garden. El, who runs the Secret Garden Project, is particularly passionate about ecotherapy, and draws on this knowledge when delivering free sessions for people to get involved in gardening and wellbeing activities.

Volunteers and community attendees gain so much from being involved in the Secret Garden Project, from skills building and confidence, to support with loneliness and grief. As well as all the brilliant things grown by the Secret Garden Project, they are also looking at putting in a pond which will be invaluable to local wildlife.

Burrows Court Litter Pick

An individual who lives in Burrows Court, Sneinton, has started a monthly litter pick! She and her son noticed the large amounts of rubbish in the area and wanted to do something about it.

They are slowly gaining support, and every month spend a couple of hours picking up litter in the area. This is a great achievement!

Bags of litter picked during the Burrows Court Litter Pick

Bags of litter picked during the Burrows Court Litter Pick - Photo © Jasmine Walker