How to have an Eco Christmas
With the festive season upon us, we have put together some great ways to have a more eco-friendly Christmas with nature in mind.
With the festive season upon us, we have put together some great ways to have a more eco-friendly Christmas with nature in mind.
Join Harri, Wilder Nottinghamshire Officer (North) on a trip to Oasis Community Centre to learn more about the groups we connect with to build and shape our Wilder Nottinghamshire Network...
Join Harri, Wilder Nottinghamshire Officer (North) on a trip to meet Maun Conservation Group and find out how they put a fire in her belly to want to do more.
Join Harri, Wilder Nottinghamshire Officer (North) to find out how a joint venture with Mary from Lincolnshire Co-Op helped utilize our pool of pre-existing volunteers to set up a wellness walk at…
Join Harri, Wilder Nottinghamshire Officer (North) to find out how a joint venture with Paula from Bassetlaw Action Centre helped a group of youth volunteers to take action for nature locally.
Join Harri, Wilder Nottinghamshire Officer (North) when she went aboard Python The Workboat to learn more about how the volunteers aboard are taking action for nature…
Join Harri, Wilder Nottinghamshire Officer (North) on a trip to Rhubarb farm to learn more about the groups we connect with to build and shape our Wilder Nottinghamshire network...