Blog: Wild About Gardens


Swifts over roof tops at dusk

Swiftly boxed swifts

Kaye Brennan of Arnold has shared her inspirational experience of just one of her wild actions that she has pinned on our map. It just so happens it links beautifully into this year's Wild…

Swallows perched along a telegraph wire against a blue sky, The Wildlife Trusts

Getting Wild About Gardens

The buzz of a bee, the sweet scent of honeysuckle, these precious moments are not only a delight to experience in our gardens, they’re absolutely vital if we’re going to protect, restore and…

Hanging Bird Feeder wildlifetrusts_40555748138

How to work from home - and stay connected to nature

When working from home, it can be really easy to stay in front of a screen all day and never venture outdoors. We’ve got some easy ways to help you to connect with nature, even in the middle of a…

Image of a garden pond in progress, dirt added and plants growing

Jump right in!

Creating a pond is one of the best ways to encourage wildlife into your garden. As natural habitats are lost due to development and the impacts of climate change, helping to create new habitats…