Governments set low bar on phase out of gardeners’ use of peat
The Wildlife Trusts call for immediate ban on all peat sales, peat extraction and peat imports to help address the nature and climate crisis
The Wildlife Trusts call for immediate ban on all peat sales, peat extraction and peat imports to help address the nature and climate crisis
Wildlife Trust welcomes exciting plans for vision of Nottingham’s new ‘Green Heart’ and highlights process for potential approach to transform development decisions across the city.
As delegates at the COP26 meeting in Glasgow are urged to focus attention on the power of nature to tackle climate impacts, the largest group of Scottish beavers yet released in England are set to…
A range of exciting habitat projects, being delivered by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust with funding support from Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency highlighted by Natural England…
A new “green umbrella” group, drawn together out of a shared desire to ensure that the redevelopment of Nottingham’s Broadmarsh area delivers on public calls for new natural greenspace and heralds…
Not a phrase usually placed in context with Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust but in this instance it’s a word mash up. Concrete, thanks to Newark-based concrete pile company, Centrum Pile and jungle…
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust launches ambitious appeal to help create ‘Beaver Paradise’ at Idle Valley Nature Reserve
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has today spoken of its delight at becoming the legal owners of Attenborough Nature Reserve thanks to a £750,000 grant from Biffa Award and public backing for its…
Volunteers battle elements to plant 750 trees at Nottinghamshire nature reserve which has seen unprecedented visitor numbers during the pandemic.
Following the collapse of the operators of Nottingham’s Broadmarsh shopping centre, INTU, and the return of the site’s lease to Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, a locally…