Anger at decision to pull funding for badger vaccinations
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust highlights frustration and anger at Defra’s last minute decision to pull funding for badger vaccinations on the Notts/Leics border
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust highlights frustration and anger at Defra’s last minute decision to pull funding for badger vaccinations on the Notts/Leics border
The Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, after this year's season of badger vaccinations, is saddened as the Government continues to grant badger culling licenses
Today the Government announced that it will continue to issue licenses to kill badgers over the next four years. This will put 130,000 animals at risk of being shot.
A month on from the announcement that parts of Leicestershire were to be included in the cull for the first time, the Trust has been able to confirm that badgers it has vaccinated are highly…
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust are aghast that more than 70,000 healthy badgers will be shot this autumn in the government’s largest ever seasonal cull.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust is horrified at the possibility of the county being included in this year’s badger cull.
The UK Government is due to make an announcement of new areas for badger culling this September. We are concerned about the possibility of Nottinghamshire and parts of Leicestershire where we work…
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, has today outlined its frustration that muddled government policy is seriously undermining its efforts to work with farmers to limit the impact of bTB.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, which has been delivering a badger vaccination project on the South Nottinghamshire/Leicestershire border since 2015, part funded by the government, has today…
The Wildlife Trusts delighted that vaccination gets priority in the fight against bovine tuberculosis