Free the beaver! A new vision for beavers in England and Wales
The Wildlife Trusts say: end enclosures and take action for beavers to be wild!
The Wildlife Trusts say: end enclosures and take action for beavers to be wild!
Metamorphosis Foundation come to the rescue – supporting purchase of electric boat to help care for Wildlife Trust’s largest nature reserve.
Returning beavers have been anything but Idle since their return to Nottinghamshire. Wildlife Trust excited by earlier than expected arrival of beaver kits.
More support needed for landowners to enable beavers’ return, say The Wildlife Trusts and Beaver Trust
Crucial moment for ‘nature’s engineers’ as consultation closes 17th November
As delegates at the COP26 meeting in Glasgow are urged to focus attention on the power of nature to tackle climate impacts, the largest group of Scottish beavers yet released in England are set to…
Further targeted theft of materials and equipment vital to beaver reintroduction project leaves Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers shocked and but determined to keep work on track.
Wildlife Trust team left distraught and angry as theft of fencing materials delays construction of beaver enclosure
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust has expressed its delight at receiving the official licence for its planned enclosed beaver reintroduction at the spectacular Idle Valley Nature Reserve off North…
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust with their unique activities investing in wildflower meadow management and the introduction of beavers into Nottinghamshire stood out as a clear choice for the Vp…